By Jazmine Jackson
Decorating or designing your home can be one of the most fulfilling, yet frustrating and stressful things you can do. But, if you’re anything like me, the reward of having a home that has little pieces of you everywhere you look is worth the stress.
Here are five tips I use on a regular basis for my interior design endeavors that make the whole process easier and a little more fun.
1. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to work.
This is not only my mantra for interior decorating, but also for many things in life. Half the time, we get so caught up in making sure things are perfect we fail to see that, more often than not, it simply isn’t necessary. No one else pays as close attention to the minor details of your home except you. And if you can live with minor imperfections here and there, that’s all that matters in the end.
2. Free (or close to it) is the best flavor.
Thrift stores, Facebook Marketplace, Depop, or your local yard sales are going to be your best friends. By frequenting these second-hand spaces you can find unique pieces at a severely discounted price, especially if you know where to look. In fact, recently I purchased a $4,000 antique lamp from my local Goodwill for $6.99. The price was borderline criminal. With a little sleuthing, you may find your favorite pieces hidden amongst granny pillows and half-broken toys.
3. Play around with colors, textures, and shapes.
One thing I’ve noticed when I walk into someone’s home, or a space they’ve decorated, is a lot of people seem to be afraid to deviate from a single color scheme. They pick the main color as blue in a room and stick with it until the end. Don’t be that person. (Unless of course you want to be then by all means, go for it.) Too much of one thing is almost never good. Don’t be scared! Just because something isn’t the same color or texture as its counterpart, doesn’t mean it doesn’t match. If you’re confident in the vibe of a room, nothing you put in it will clash.
4. The way a space feels is more important than the way a space looks.
You could have the nicest furniture, the best lighting, and all the bells and whistles in the world, but if the room you designed feels off or empty, none of that will matter. Most people want to feel welcomed and at home when they walk into a house. But if your home has nothing of you in it and looks like you purchased it directly off of an Ikea catalog, it’s going to feel like a showroom. If that’s the vibe you’re going for, knock yourself out. But if you want something that screams, “This is my home. This is where I live. This is where I can rest. This is where I feel safe,” you’re going to want to find things that emulate that energy. Whether it’s your favorite figurines, quotes you love, your favorite plants, or even a sick rock collection. Scatter them around your home and it will never feel like just another house.
5. Learn the art of Feng Shui.
Now, I’m not a master in the ancient art of Feng Shui, but I do know that the way a room is set up often determines the energy it harbors. And sometimes that energy can become stagnant from things being in the same place for too long. I like to practice thanking my home as I believe that, as much as I take care of my home, it takes care of me. There’s such a massive difference in the energy of a home that has been taken care of and one that hasn’t. One of the ways I like to shift the energy, or feel, of a room, is by moving things around. Sometimes all it takes to truly maximize the potential of a room is to move something a little to the left.
These are my top five tips I give to people when they ask for advice on designing a space. Sometimes all a space needs is a little something special and most times that little something special is you. Happy designing!